I received a call from my mom just now.
She said, "mana gambar-gambar masa kat atas bukit Dayang Sumbi tu?"
Me, blurr kejap.. bukit Dayang Sumbi???Then I replied, "Owhh, ada la entri pasal
Tangkuban Parahu tu.. gambar mak je yang takde.. hehehe"
Mak said, "Alaa.. masukkan la sekali"
Kekekke.. tak puas hati tu! So, this entry is specially dedicated to my parents. Layan gambar je, okay?

Grand Preanger Hotel - one of the oldest hotel in Bandung

12-seater Isuzu.. very comfortable!

Breakfast at hotel on the second day

At the lobby, waiting for the rest of the group

Ada lagi seller camni kat Bandung

Angkutan Kota a.k.a angkot.. the most popular transportation in Bandung

Gerai nanas.. Lumayan nih.. manis sekali!

Ini tidak tumbuh semulajadi okay.. pokok pine ini di bawa dan di tanam oleh Belanda. Bisa dilihat on the way to Tangkuban Parahu

Blog's owners.. hehe

Magnificient Tangkuban Parahu

Mesmeric view.. ramai orang.. tapi 1/3 adalah street sellers

the oldest couple in the group.. kehkehkeh.. jangan marah aaa...

Abah.. busy snapping photos using his M-mobile phone.

The biggest crater - Kawah Ratu

Another look out point


Ciater Tea Plantation

orang tengah syiokk menikmati air panas, depa sibuk suh beli aiskrim..

Kuda pakai raincoat.. hehe..

kereta kuda

monyet ini juga dijadikan sumber pendapatan di tepi jalan

last day di Kota Bandoeng
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